<WordPress Event Wordcamp Tokyo 2014>

WordPress Event Wordcamp Tokyo 2014

WordPress Meetup Wordcamp Tokyo 2014

I finally went to my first WordPress meetup, I have always been rather curious about Wordcamp and events related to WordPress. I’ve known WordPress for 5 or 6 years but it exists for more than a decade. And started using WordPress a lot more recent, and all those years I missed my chances to go.

But then I found an upcoming event for WordBench Tokyo. I am still trying to figure out the difference between WordCamp and WordBench. Both are official but I think WordBench is only in Japan. Both are very similar because people gather to the community because they are interested in WordPress.

Since I started going on the internet around 2006 there was b2 users. b2/cafelog which was one of the blogging platform developed by the WordPress founders. And now we have WordPress.

I actually didn’t even know what b2 was that time. I did run a blog using other scripts Cutenews since I had no knowledge in PHP or using database like MySQL back then. But as soon as I started using WordPress, the extendibility made me want to run all of my websites on it.

One thing to look forward to is the language pack. In the next release, they are going to split the entire language resource from the system so you set the language and WordPress can translate it for you. Maybe it will help democratic publishing. It sounds good for both developers and users, knowing that now international downloads are higher than the total downloads of the English version.

Before YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, WordPress, Tumblr, Medium and the plethora of self-publishing platforms came along – information was controlled and distributed by media such as the BBC, New York Times and CNN. In a handful of years this has changed out of all recognition. Breaking news comes from Twitter, political insight from WordPress-hosted content and “user generated content” is becoming the norm. –

</WordPress Event Wordcamp Tokyo 2014>

07 / 07 / 2014

<WordPress + Twitter>

WordPress + Twitter


Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., that enables its users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author’s profile page.



  • Twitter for WordPress サイドバーにウィジェット化したTwitterを表示させる。記事件数は指定でき、CSSでカスタマイズ可。表示形式もある程度いじれます。(アカウントがプライベートに設定されている場合は表示されませんのであしからず)
  • WP to Twitter 記事を新規作成・編集、Blogrollに新しいリンクを追加したときなどにTwitterのアカウントへその更新したページへのリンクを張ってくれる。Twitter for WordPressの逆バージョンのようなものだといっていいと思う。オプション多め。
  • Twitter Friends Widget Twitterの友達リストをTwitterに表示されているものと同じかたちでサイドバーに表示できます。使ったことがないので細かいことは分かりませんが(!)、表示数が指定可で、Wordpressの管理画面から、友達リストの編集・削除もできる模様。

</WordPress + Twitter>

14 / 06 / 2009