<Simplenotes WordPress Theme Development (Light)>

Simplenotes WordPress Theme Development (Light)

Simplenotes Light


Download Simplenotes Light


Simplenotes is a clean and minimal WordPress theme that requires no plugins to run. The theme features a dropdown menu, social media integration, sidebar widgets, threaded comments and more. The simple notebook is ready for both writers and readers. Simplenotes has a an overall pagespeed score of 84, You can do the latest speed test on WP speedster.

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    Visual Design

  • Simple yet fashionable and flexible layout.
  • SVG and PNG logos are supported.
  • Retina-screen compatible.
  • Featured thumbnails compatible.
  • 12 social icons integrated.
  • Beautifully threaded comments.
    Front-End Development

  • Framework already developed so you can focus on the contents.
  • 1 big custom drop-down navigation.
  • Custom breadcrumbs.
  • Custom numerical pagination.
  • 1 full-width post template.
  • 1 full-width page template.
    Back-End Development

  • Custom excerpt length.
  • Custom title length.
  • Sidebar area 100% widgetized.
  • 90% of features controllable from one single option panel.
  • Web fonts supported.

  • 10 pages of well-documented theme instruction in .pdf format.




</Simplenotes WordPress Theme Development (Light)>

24 / 05 / 2022


  • Nadia says:

    I LOVE the new look of your blog.

  • I really love the theme on your web site, I run a website , and that i would like to use this theme. Is it a free style, or is it custom?

  • Leslie says:

    Is there any support for the simplenotes theme? I’m trying to find out how to display the tagline.

  • Pkrt says:

    I respect your work.

  • DAMON says:

    Hi Carla, I’ve been using your SimpleNotes theme for my web page for a few years and am super happy with it. Thanks so much! I have a really quick question for you. Is there any way to enable full breadcrumbs below the menu bar? Currently it only shows the title of the current page.

    • CARLA says:

      Hi Damon, thanks for the nice comment. The breadcrumb can be customised by editing simplenotes_get_breadcrumbs on line 100 in function.php(I assume you are using version 4.3), or by simply using custom breadcrumbs such as BREADCRUMB or BREADCRUMB NAVXT.

      • DAMON says:

        Hi Carla, thank you for getting back to me about this. I found the section of the file you mentioned, but I don’t know how to customize php to turn the breadcrumbs on. Is it something simple, or does one need to know php scripting well? The other option is to use one of the plugins you suggested, but I would need to turn off the page title right below the menu (to avoid redundancy), which I am also unable to do.

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